Today I get a flurry of text messages from Martin.
How’d it go today, Nate? Eat big, train hard!
I send him a photo of me giving a thumbs-up.
Everyone needs a push. Now you are part of my responsibility. That is what a good coach does. Also, you’re looking skinny. Keep eating!!!
When I get home, I send him a photo of my lunch.
What is that? Two sweet potatoes, dog food and toothpicks? Eat big! Don’t forget to imagine the changes happening. Think big. Act the way you want to become and you become what you act!
Whoa. I kinda like that.
I can see why UFC’s Jim and Dan Miller want Martin in their corner during a big fight; he’s so motivating and passionate your energy instantly rises to meet his.
In fact, if I had a negative thought in my body, Martin’s good-natured ball-busting burned it right out.
But dog food and toothpicks? C’mon now. That’s a lot of food.

Other highlights from Day 20
- Loading three 45-pound plates on each side of the bar for my squats. It’s the first time in a while where I’ve really pushed myself on these. There’s a kind of smug satisfaction that comes with putting six plates on the bar. If you’ve done it, you know exactly what I’m talking about.